Feeling alone or confused retraining your standardbred?

You’re just seconds away from accessing expert advice & connecting with a community of people who understand exactly what you’re going through!


What is the Online Standardbred Club?

The Online Standardbred Club is an educational membership community which brings standardbred owners from around the world into a supportive space, to share stories, ask questions and learn from leading horse training and health care professionals.

Enrolments for the Club are currently CLOSED.

If you can relate to any of these points, the Online Standardbred Club is perfect for you:

  • Standing in the paddock, totally confused by your standardbred’s behaviour and not sure not to do next.
  • Endless Googling, desperately trying to find the answers to your standardbred problems.
  • Having to justify your decision to own a standardbred to those who don’t understand the breed.
  • Feeling frustrated that your standardbred finds even the simplest things tricky.
  • Losing confidence in your abilities & worrying you don’t have the skills to train your standardbred.
  • Finding access to professional help to be too expensive to book regularly.
  • Feeling very alone in your struggles; you don’t have anyone to lean on for support and advice.
Breathe a sigh of relief, because you’re in the right place!

We wrote the bullet points above from messages by real life standardbred owners just like you, who have joined our Club and experienced incredible confidence and retraining transformations.

What you get as an Online Standardbred Club Member:


Educational Trainings

Exclusive Content

We understand that life is busy and have kept this in mind when creating content & a positive, no-pressure learning environment.


As a member, you’ll get access to a student portal website where you can work through lectures and video trainings in your own time and go back over content as much as you like (never forget a handy tip again!)

There is no expectation to ‘keep up’ with a set schedule of learning; the program is entirely ‘self-paced’ (pun intended).

The private member Facebook group is where the community comes alive, with educational threads, live challenges, questions, ‘standy brags’ and general conversations and advice-sharing taking place between standardbred owners around the clock.

The Online Standardbred Club was started to ensure no standardbred rider has to ‘go it alone’

Everyone in this group is kind, helpful and always willing to offer advice. No one is judgmental, as we are all on our own journeys. I love this group and it allows me to grow as a rider and trainer. This is a really safe space and always positive.

Penny S. Vic

I definitely couldn’t have done this without the group support and brilliant teachings. I was totally unprepared for a little 4 year old, learning to bend and flex and getting her to be more balanced with lunging /riding . She has changed from a very excited biter/kicker with a strong and dominant personality, to a gentle, affectionate and easy-going girl. The process taught in the Online Standardbred Club, and the group support, has been truly amazing. I am smiling and filled with hope again!

Jonnine, WA.

Standardbred owners are some of the most wonderful people you’ll ever meet.

Incredibly generous when it comes to sharing their knowledge.
As quirky, friendly and interesting as their horses.
And oh-so supportive (cheering the loudest when others find success!)
online standardbred club

The Online Standardbred Club brings standy owners from all around the world together, into a vibrant learning community.

The group is made up of a mish-mash of standardbred lovers, each with different experiences, interests, advice and of all ages (we have juniors participating with parents, through to mature riders well into their 70s!)

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been a horse person for 10 years or 10 weeks.

Whether you’re into exploring the trails, strutting in the show ring, or simply hanging with your horse.

An old hand in the equestrian world, or growing in confidence and experience.

Everyone is welcome in the Online Standardbred Club.

There is so much value jam-packed into such an affordable program!

We can avoid the frustration and overwhelm of having to work through every retraining challenge on our own, by surrounding ourselves with people who ‘get it’.

We can tap into knowledge shared by those who’ve travelled this road before.

We can learn from other standardbred owners’ mistakes.

And take on board invaluable advice that comes from firsthand experiences partnering with such a unique breed of horse.

How much does the Online Standardbred Club cost?

Online Standardbred Club membership was previously priced at $29AUD per month, however is changing to a once-off, flat fee in 2023!
With the cost of living rising, and many people struggling to balance the budget around life with horses, we decided to change the price of this essential program.
Our members no longer have to weigh up whether they can afford ongoing support and guidance in their standardbred retraining journey; the once-off flat fee takes care of everything!


What if I’m not ‘tech savvy’?

The Online Standardbred Club has been designed to be user-friendly.

When you enrol in the Online Standardbred Club you’ll create an account on our student portal.

Whenever you wish to access learning material, you simply enter your email and password to log in.

Content is organised into lectures, so you can work through modules one at a time & never lose your place, nor feel overwhelmed.

You can work through & go back over content in your own time, as much as you like.

The Online Standardbred Club is designed to suit busy lifestyles.

We get it; life really is crazy busy!  And for some of us, we have to squeeze horse time into an already bursting schedule.

Online Standardbred Club learning content is set out in a simple way, so you can pick up where you left off last time and go back over interesting lectures.

There’s no set schedule you need to stress about keeping up with; make the program fit into your life.

Learn on the go!

You can log into our standardbred tutorial website on any device, which makes learning portable.

You’ll have the flexibility to watch a standardbred retraining video on your phone at the paddock and have a go straight away (it’s like having an instructor in your pocket!)

Or make use of that ‘boot up’ time lying in bed each morning by looking through standardbred training videos (coaching from the comfort of your pillow… ahh, not a bad way to learn!)


Simply send us an email and we’ll be happy to help!